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Advanced Medical Intelligence for Guiding Orphan Medicine


    We invite you to develop machine learning (ML) algorithms that can use knowledge graph data and accomplish these points:​

    A. Accurately predict if a child is healthy or is diagnosed with an illness.​

    B. Accurately predict patients’ disease category based on the first letter of ICD-10 code system.​

    C. Correctly Cluster patients based on the features from the omics and clinical data.​

    D. Offer the capability to be executed federatively using the feature cloud functionality.​

    Business Outcome

    • Outline how the approach can be implemented and scaled to improve patients’ lives.​

    Technical Architecture

    • You are free to use the synthetic data made available for you on Neo4j data base
    • You will be able to connect to the Feature Cloud platform and upload your models
    • You are free to use both supervised and unsupervised methods.

    Technical Architecture


    • The disease experts at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital in Munich are working toward establishing an AI platform to improve diagnosis of rare diseases in children. ​

    • Their goal is to implement federated learning and create a library of ML models to assist clinicians with patients’ diagnosis.​

    • To protect patients’ privacy, we have already preprocessed and analyzed the data and created knowledge graphs which you can use to build your algorithm. ​

    • The knowledge graph data comprise thousands of human phenotype ontology (HPO) features, covering genomic, proteomic, blood values, electronic health records and patient questionnaires.​

    • Additionally, we provide you with a well-crafted unlabeled synthetic data set that closely resembles the structure of the real data.​

    Joint initiative of